10 Years Sober

I am 10 years sober. Probably not something you hear about often, however, I wanted to share this message, as my own recovery journey is one of the main reasons why I began teaching trauma-informed yoga and meditation for mental health and addiction recovery.

Finding myself on a path of healing, I took this struggle and difficult period in my life, and dedicated much of my time working towards a dream: to share with others mind-body practices for health and healing; tools that were fundamental in my own personal success.

Thank you to the people and organizations that support my work; valuing the combination of specialized skills and trainings, along with the benefits of lived experience. Each day and connection is meaningful because I have the opportunity to pass on a resource or experience that may assist someone at their workplace, for their health and wellness, or in their daily life. 

For additional information on services available for individuals, clients, employees, organizations and events, contact info@evonnesullivan.com


If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health and/or addiction challenges, assistance is available. Below is a list of resources that could be of help.